Financial Audit Services

Performs financial statement audits of state agencies, colleges, and universities; Assesses stewardship of public officials and instills public confidence in our government.

What to expect working as a Financial Auditor

Financial auditors perform financial statement and compliance audits of state agencies, colleges, and universities.

As a Financial Auditor, you can expect to perform financial statement and compliance audits of state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Employee Spotlight
Lidia's Story
  • Financial Audit Services

  • CPA

  • At LLA, we foster a friendly and collaborative culture where we work together to meet our goals. Sharing our expertise and knowledge across teams and sections is second nature, as we lend a hand to help each other succeed. Being able to work alongside intelligent, professional, and dedicated people while making a meaningful impact in the State of Louisiana by auditing various state agencies and universities is an exciting opportunity. With the prospect of learning new things every day, I am eager to be a part of such a dynamic team.

Financial Audit Services Position Types

LLA requires applicants to have particular levels of education to qualify for staff and intern positions. Experience and certifications may qualify applicants for Senior positions within Financial Audit Services.

Staff Auditor Levels
Staff Auditor I
  • Must have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university (in any major)
  • Must meet the eligibility requirements to take the Certified Public Accountant examination in Louisiana
  • Must possess certification as a CPA
Staff Auditor II
  • Must have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university (in any major)
  • Must meet the eligibility requirements to take the Certified Public Accountant examination in Louisiana
  • Must have one year of professional level experience equivalent to a Staff Auditor I
  • Must possess certification as a CPA
Financial Services Auditor

There are no qualifications listed for this position.

Senior Auditor Levels
Senior Auditor I
  • Possess certification as a Certified Public Accountant
  • One year of relevant work experience required
  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university with sufficient hours to take the Certified Public Accountant examination in Louisiana
  • One year of professional level experience in auditing at a level equivalent to a Financial Staff Auditor II required
  • Must be actively pursuing primary certification (Certified Public Accountant)
Senior Auditor II
  • Possess certification as a Certified Public Accountant
  • Two years of professional work experience in auditing, including one year of auditing experience at a level equivalent to a Financial Senior I Auditor required
  • Completion of 12 hours in Accounting
  • Minimum of 2.5 GPA
  • Work a minimum of 15-20 hours per week